Our Roots
The Columbian Squires began in Atlantic City in August of 1922, at the annual Knights of Columbus Supreme Council meeting. During the course of that meeting, The Most Reverend Thomas J. Walsh, the Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, challenged the Knights of Columbus to focus on the development of young men in the Catholic Church. He said, “If the Knights of Columbus will take care of the growing boy, then the boy grown into manhood will take care not only of the Knights of Columbus, but of the Church and the nation as well.” That challenge was met by Supreme Knight, James A. Flaherty, who developed a special committee, which was led by the then Deputy Supreme Knight, Martin H. Carmody, to focus on organizing this new youth order.
While the Knights worked on setting up their committee, Brother Barnabas McDonald, FSC, a Christian Brother, was also working on a similar proposal for the Knights of Columbus, encouraging them to develop a youth organization similar to the Knights of Columbus, with the goal transforming young men into Catholic leaders within their respective communities. This proposal was brought forward to the Knight’s special committee, which recommended its application at the Board of Directors meeting in June of 1923. Its adoption was formalized at the Supreme Council meeting in Montreal in August of 1923.
On August 4, 1925, the first Columbian Squires circle – Duluth Circle 1, Duluth, Minnesota – was invested in ceremonies that were the highlight of the Knights of Columbus’ convention that year. Since that time, the Columbian Squires program has flourished, and expanded across international borders. Circles have been instituted throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippine Islands. Today, there are over 22,000 squires between the ages of 10 and 18, as well as approximately 1,000 Columbian Squires circles.
Past Ontario Provincial Chief Squires
1995-1996 - Gregory Furyk
1993-1995 - Dean Sheeler
1991-1993 - Derek Renaud
1990-1991 - Michael Yamamoto
1989-1990 - Marc Lapointe
1988-1989 - Jeff Bellemore
1987-1988 - Sean Mangin
1986-1987 - Paul Shafer
1985-1986 - Darryl Quimbly
1983-1985 - Yvon Roy
1981-1983 - Paul Takala
1979-1981 - Denis Lachaine
1978-1979 - Allan Frost
1977-1978 - Brent Bonvarlez
1976-1977 - Danny Shrubsole
1975-1976 - Tom Foster
1975-1976 - Jim Ardito
1974-1975 - Paul Pearson
1973-1974 - Paul Falzone
1972-1973 - Mike Berube
1971-1972 - Steve Shine
1970-1971 - Peter Gignac
1969-1970 - Marty Graf
2023-2024 - Samuel Iacobazzi
2022-2023 - Tom Manoj
2021-2022 - David Saldnha
2020-2021 - Nigel Santamaria
2018-2020 - Matthew Ducharme
2017-2018 - Jeremie Bornais
2016-2017 - Steven Ilijanich
2015-2016 - Alister Vaz
2014-2015 - Matthew Brockman
2013-2014 - Joshua Bornais
2012-2013 - Michael Ralphs
2010-2012 - Martin Dekold
2009-2010 - Joseph Murphy
2008-2009 - Dwayne Santos
2007-2008 - Dylan Robertson
2005-2007 - Eric Boyles
2004-2005 - Danny McKellar
2003-2004 - Michael Hart
2002-2003 - Michael Laicini
2000-2002 - Tim Martins
1999-2000 - Eric Sauve
1998-1999 - Rob Furyk
1997-1998 - Dion Drewlo
1996-1997 - Paul Hong
Former Ontario State Squires Directors
(formerly titled State Squires Chairman)
2017-2021 - Mr. Narciso Rodrigues
2011-2017 - Mr. Joseph Bodnar
2008-2011 - Mr. Steve Laicini
2004-2008 - Mr. Paul Crawford, PSD
2002-2004 - Mr. Natale Gallo, PSD
1998-2000 - Mr. Kenneth McLean
1994-1998 - Mr. Robert Cayea, PSD
1992-1994 - Mr. Emile Saulnier
1987-1992 - Mr. Rick Huczel
1983-1984 - Mr. Steve Fagan
1982-1983 - Mr. John Rocheleau
1980-1982 - Mr. Phil Zakoor, PSD
1972-1978 - Mr. Louis Gouin
Past Ontario Provincial Father Priors
2016-2019 - Rev. Jacques Labelle
2015-2016 - Rev. Chris Lemieux
2007-2015 - Rev. Phillip Kennedy
2005-2007 - Rev. Sebastien Groleau
2003-2005 - Rev. Alain Guevremont
2000-2003 - Rev. Brian Bevan
1997-2000 - Rev. Alain Guevremont
1993-1997 - Rev. Jim O’Neill
1989-1991 - Rev. John Pirt
1988-1989 - Rev. Pat McCann
1981-1985 - Rev. Steve Hill
1980-1981 - Rev. Don Theriault
1971-1977 - Rev. Leonard O’Malley