The Squire of the Year is awarded to the individual who embodies the motto of our order, Esto Dignus. In addition to scholastic achievement, they show leadership within their Circle, their Church, and their Community. The deadline to submit this application is March 5th.
The Counselor of the Year is the individual who exceeds the call to duty and commits themselves towards the betterment of their Squires. This Counselor proves that to really influence these young men, it takes more than simply being present. The deadline to submit this form is March 5th.
The Circle of the Year achievement is award to the Circle goes above and beyond what is necessary, while excelling through their faith, charity and unity should be recognized for their talents. The application for this award must be submitted to the State Squires Director by March 5th.
The Circle Event Award is given to the Circles who form a strong bond with one another through a fun, inclusive event. Preference is given to creativity and initiative. Please submit this application to the State Squires Director no later than March 5th.
Membership can mean getting members, or raising awareness for the organization, and the circles to excel at this could win the Membership Event Award. Preference is given to creativity and initiative. Please submit this application to the State Squires Director no later than March 5th.
By showing their appreciation, and giving back to the community, A Circle is capable of achieving the Service Event Award. Preference is given to creativity and initiative.Please submit this application to the State Squires Director no later than March 5th.
Any Circle who depicts their strong relationship with their faith, as well as the Catholic Church, is eligible for the Spiritual Event Award. Preference is given to creativity and initiative. Please submit this application to the State Squires Director no later than March 5th.
The Corps d'Elite Award is a prestigious award given by Supreme to an outstanding Circle who goes above and beyond, by meeting certain outlined requirements. Send your application to Supreme by June 30th, and make sure to send the State Squires Director a copy as well.
The Brother Barnabas Award is given by Supreme to the top 25 Circles around the world. It highlights the single best event that your Circle has done to represent the Squires. Send your application to Supreme by June 30th, and make sure to send the State Squires Director a copy as well.
The Esto Dignus Bursary is the bursary given to any young man who exemplifies the beliefs and values of a true Squire, contributes to their Circle both in and out of meetings/events and deserves recognition for their actions. It must be submitted no later than March 5th.
Any documents that need to be forwarded to Supreme must also be copied to the State Squires Director at
The Provincial Board Nomination Acknowledgement form must be filled out for any Squire planning to run for the Provincial Board. It must be submitted to the State Squires Director. Please submit this form no later than April 1st.
Both the Nomination and Candidate Form must be submitted.
The Provincial Board Candidate Acknowledgement form must be filled out for any Squire planning to run for the Provincial Board. It must be submitted to the State Squires Director. Please submit this form no later than April 1st.
The Media Release Consent Form is filled out by the Squire and his parents, so that videos and pictures may be taken for any events.
The Physical Fitness form outlines any medical / physical information pertaining to the Board member in case of an emergency.
The Provincial Board Circle Dues are mandatory for any active Squires Circle and must be submitted in full, including the required cheque, to the State Squires Director as early as possible each year.
This Circle Executive Report, Form #468 must be filled out after every election, and submitted to Supreme by August 1st of each year. Please note these forms must also include all Counselor information, even if the current counselors are continuing in their roles.
The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity, Form #1728 5-19 Circle is a financial summary of all the events that your Circle has done that year. It must be sent to your Council, as well as the State Squires Director by January 31st of each year.
This Semi-Annual Audit, Form #247 is specifically to be used between the months of January to June. It must be sent to Supreme and is due on September 1st of each year.
This Semi-Annual Audit, Form #247 is specifically to be used between the months of July to December. It must be sent to Supreme and is due on March 1st of each year.
The Refund Support Vocations Program is an incentive that helps Squires Circles support seminarians. Supreme will reimburse Circles with a portion of their donations to these future priests. It is due by June 30th of each year.
The Notice Of Intent, Form #457 must be completed by any Knights of Columbus Council or Assembly that wishes to form or reform and sponsor a Squires Circle. It must be sent to Supreme for review.
The Notice of Institution, Form #460 is to be completed following the Investiture of a Squires Circle. It highlights potential names for the Circle, as well as the names of the founding Squires, and must be sent to Supreme, as well as the State Squires Director for record keeping purposes.
Each Knight wishing to become a counselor must fill out this Youth Leader Application, Form #4348 and submit it to your Council for approval, as well as the State Squires Director for record keeping purposes.
The Father Prior Appointment, Form #4371 is the form required for any priest wishing to become the Father Prior for a Squires Circle. It must be submitted by your Council to Supreme.
Whenever your circle does a big event, be sure to fill out this Major Activity Summary, Form #363. Send it to Supreme so that your Circle gets some recognition, as well as the State Squires Director for record keeping purposes.